Be Kind To Your Mind

Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, the United States has recognized the Month of May as Mental Health Awareness Month; a time for all of us to observe our mental health and become aware of the resources available for information, events and screenings.  The call to reduce stigma sometimes associated with issues of mental health and wellbeing is something MADO Healthcare focuses on, on a daily basis.  And during this month, we proudly stand with many community mental health providers as partners in the important and critical care necessary for everyone regarding mental health and reducing stigma. 

During the age of COVID, our mental health is a pressing and important issue for everyone across the globe.  Never before have we faced a global pandemic in modern times as we are now.  More than ever, we are all acutely aware of the importance of maintaining our mental and emotional health and wellbeing as regularly as we do all other aspects of our overall physical health.

As each and every team member at MADO Healthcare takes care of a vulnerable population on their individual paths to wellness, we encourage all of our staff, MADO family, partners and friends to remember to bring awareness to your own Mental Health this month and always. 

Below are some resources:

CDC- Coping with Stress:

MADO Healthcare encourages everyone to follow credible sources, like the Centers for Disease Control, for information regarding this Pandemic.  The CDC also offers information and resources for managing fear, stress and anxiety during this time

Tips to cope with stress during COVID-19

1) PAUSE.  Breathe. Notice how you feel

2) TAKE BREAKS from COVID-19 content

3) MAKE TIME to sleep and exercise

4) REACH OUT and stay connected

5) SEEK HELP if overwhelmed or unsafe

WHO-Looking After Our Mental Health:

The World Health Organization is a credible global source for information and resources on the pandemic.  They also have information pertaining to mental health and wellbeing during this time.  

Kennedy Forum Illinois- Mental Health is Essential Health:

The Kennedy Forum Illinois’ mission is to end stigma and discrimination against people with mental health and addiction challenges. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the system.  They provide information and resources for mental health on their site. 

Mental Health Awareness Month- Tool Kits & Resources

KFI Resources

KF & Mental Health Resources during COVID

NAMI- You are Not Alone:

The National Alliance for Mental Illness highlights Mental Health Awareness Month with a wealth of information and resources.  

Crisis Residential Network:

MADO Healthcare is a proud member of the Crisis Residential Network.  The Mental Health Partners in this group, have launched a new Crisis Response Initiative during the Coronavirus Pandemic.  “While there is suffering as a result of COVID-19 that is unavoidable, mental health suffering can be prevented or minimized with the right interventions.  The Pandemic Crisis Response Services Coalition is committed to doing all that we can…”

Mental Health America:

Navigate your unique journey through this pandemic with a free screening from Mental Health America.  MHA also provides resources for Managing Anxiety during COVID-19.