Individualized Recovery Planning & Support
MADO Healthcare supports each person in their individual pursuits to achieve wellness. Healthcare professionals offer individualized recovery planning and provide evidence-based programming to adults living with psychiatric disabilities such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and addiction.
MADO Healthcare is with You Every Step of the Way. Clients are supported with respect and compassion as part of the MADO Healthcare family. MADO Healthcare helps clients focus on their individual goals and provides the therapeutic support needed to lead a healthy life.

MADO Healthcare's Philosophy
Coordinated Assistance in Recovery Through Education and Engagement (C.A.R.E.)
Recovery program services are designed to meet their identified goals. MADO Healthcare practices within a culture of continual quality assessment and performance improvement.
C.A.R.E. is the foundation of MADO Healthcare’s philosophy. Developed by Michael Vernale, Psy.D., in collaboration with MADO Healthcare, C.A.R.E. is a comprehensive, person-centered approach focused on increasing an individual’s quality of life by maximizing his or her independence.
Serving Clients with Dignity
MADO Healthcare provides clients with an array of therapeutic services including:
Recovery and Rehabilitation Program
A community that supports recovery, wellness, and symptom management. Clients work to achieve goals they identify, while receiving therapeutic services to improve life skills and self-advocacy. Learn more about the Recovery & Rehabilitation Program.
Skilled and Intermediate Nursing Care
Skilled and intermediate nursing care services for persons living with mental health and chronic physical conditions are offered at MADO Healthcare – Uptown.
Menu of Services:
- Psychiatric and physical health services
- Dual Recovery (mental health and substance use recovery)
- Individual and group counseling
- Support groups including emotional literacy and stress management, diagnosis education and coping skills
- Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)
- Illness Management and Recovery (IMR)
- Peer support
- Intensive outpatient programming
- Workforce Recovery Program
- Care management and linkage to community supports
- Expressive Therapies
- Therapeutic recreational opportunities